Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Nerds Shall Inherit the Earth!

Last Friday, Rm 22 and 31 put on a SPECTACULAR senior assembly, celebrating everything wonderful about being smart, inquisitive and loving learning.

All the staff and guests were blown away with our amazing facts, Emilio's rather incredible recitation of Pi to 100 places and Miss Shreya's perfect explanation of how to solve word problems using algebra.

Oh, and of course...everyone loved our song!

We had a lot of fun creating our assembly and learned a lot about why it is a good thing to enjoy school and aim high. This must certainly exemplify the 'Wattle Grove Way' and is one of many reasons why our school has such a fine reputation for promoting excellence.

A huge thank you to all parents who helped to dress up our students in such wonderfully geeky costumes. It takes me back to the way I used to dress as a teenager!

If you did not get an opportunity to read our fantastic 'Bushfire' poems, they are still on display in the Block 4 Wet Area. They are definitely worth checking out.

Here is to the second half of Term One... Can you believe how fast it is going?!

Carl Sanderson


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