Monday, August 27, 2018

Book Week 2018

The students from Rm22 have had a fantastic time throughout book week 2018. We had previously created small book plates that listed our favourite books, the best part of the book, and why we liked it so much. We then invited other classes to do the same and we ended up with over 350 bookplates from students who (apparently) love reading as much as we do! Ms Ryan was nice enough to take these and mount all 350 of them onto beautiful posters, which were designed and decorated by her class. These posters have been on display throughout book week and we have enjoyed watching students share their favourite books with family and other students.

 The book week dress up parade is always a favourite, and this year we had nearly every student dress up as a character. As you can see from the pictures below, we had all sorts of colourful characters represented. Mr S dressed up (again) as a character from ‘Star Wars’ – something he called a ‘jawa’…whatever that is! Our class was part of the first parade and it was wonderful to see so many creative costumes. Wattle Grove parents are way too clever!
 Late on Friday afternoon, we then went across to Mrs Beste’s Yr 1 class and did some shared reading. Each student buddied up with a younger student and then we read to them and they read to us. We were all very impressed with the fantastic reading by the Year One students! It also gave us an opportunity to reread some classic fairy tales, which (despite the boys’ protests) was a lot of fun.

We can’t wait until next year!